Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Learning from your mistakes

 The Longcycle kettlebell competition at Complete Kettlebell and Fitness has come and gone. It was a great event and Michael Cricks did an amazing job putting it all together. His gym is top of the line and very creative, His staff was great and very welcoming and I think they all did a great job hosting this event. That being said time to get down to what I learned this past weekend. First off this was my first competition without my Coach Chris Duffey and my friend and teammate Will Metcalf there and this made a big difference now that I look back. We usually help each other out and chalk bells and of course there is always the pep talks and pointers that we give each other and I didn't really notice this or appreciate this until I didn't have it. All these little things add up and can take a toll, I was chalking my bells right after my last warm up set and it was already time to lift. This takes away precious time to get yourself ready and prepared to lift and of course when your in your set you have your teammates cheering you on and giving you advice, Duffeys famous quote " just survive this minute" or " you can relax when the set is done" just these little things can make a huge difference and I learned that this weekend.
  I already new GS is all about going the full 10 mins and I usually do but with this competition I got so caught up in my MS numbers and the speed I had to go that it literally made me forgot about what the sport is really about and I was all about greed. Once I realized I wasn't making my target of 55 reps my whole mental game went out the window and I threw in the towel and gave up. I have to say I am very disappointed in myself for letting this happen, and I will not let it happen again it was a shitty lesson to learn but that is part of competing and lifting kettlebells. Its a journey of learning,suffering,over coming pain and the fear of pushing yourself beyond your limits, and to strive to never stop trying to get better. So as long as you can learn from your mistakes you have to just take it and move on and put what you learned to the test, which I will be doing right away.

June 23, 2012
Longcycle comp 2x32 30 reps in about 6 mins

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 22, 2012


Yesterday my friend and I left for Ohio, It was a long drive it took us about 9.5 hrs and over 600 miles. Today we drove around to see what this place is all about. Its definately a lot different than MA. The people seem nice and the weather is a lot less humid than home. We went down and checked out Michael Cricks gym called Complete Kettlebell and Fitness and I have to say he has one nice gym. Michael is a great person and been in kettlebells for a long time and his gym has everything you can think of and some stuff I have never seen. He has a passion for training and helping people. If I could open up my own gym I would hope to make it as nice as his.
   Tomorrow is the big day so after we scooped out place we are going to lift we found a lunch place and of course I have to keep my weight in check so I stayed healthy. Thats one of the hardest parts about competeing, you work your butt off and if your like me you like to eat a lot but you have to be careful right before a competition because you want to make your weight class and you dont want to load up on junk because then you will feeling like crap doing your sets. Its also tough becuase I am not from around here and this is a little vacation for me and I want to try some of this different food. All I have to do is make it through tomorrow and then I can relax and enjoy myself.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Less than a week till Longcycle competition!

 This Saturday is the Complete Kettlebell and Fitness WKC Longcycle competition. I have been training for this competition. Before this I didn't have much interest in Longcycle I am not going to lie but I have found a real passion for this exercise. I use to be all about Biathalon but I find myself really getting into Longcycle and seeing where I can go with this. I have been eating really healthy all week and only cheating a little on the weekends. I haven't had any beer for around 3-4 weeks and I feel better than ever. Its amazing how when you take care of your body and really feed it real food how much better you can recover from your workouts and keep pushing.

This weeks training has been great even after my PR last week.
Monday June 18,2012
 I warm up with a 5 min jog or jump rope and some light OALC and then some Longcycle sets only lasting a Min each.
Longcycle 2x24 10,10
2 min rest
Longcycle 2x28 8,8,8
2 rest
Longcycle 2x32 7,7,7 this wasn't easy Monday's are always difficult for me.
Jump rope 10 mins 30 on 30 off

Tuesday June 19,2012
Jump rope 6 mins 40 on 20 off
some OALC and then some Longcycle sets of 1 min each
Longcycle 2x32 8 mins @ 6 rpms for a total of 48 reps and felt pretty good
6 mins rest
jerk 2x24 `12,12
Jump rope 10 mins 30 on 30 off

So I no this seems like a lot a few days before the competition but I was talking to Coach Duffey and he said were not scientific, we have full time jobs and have to be able to pick up the bells and do our thing and I couldn't agree more its so true. I work full time and train on the side I get in my sets when I can and I think its true you should be able to bust out a set pretty much anytime. We are not pros, this is our hobby and I don't want to go through peaking phases and all these other phases. I want to lift kettlebells and hit some decent numbers. I have watched Valery Fedorenko pick up a 24kg in his regular cloths and knock out 200 snatches in 10 min like nothing, No crazy warm up or anything just basically lets do this and boom he does it. Not to long ago he put a video up of him doing his MS numbers with no real crazy training for it. I don't no about everyone else but when Duffey pointed out the facts to me today it was all I needed to keep going. You need time under the bells and sets like the one today and be great motivation for  whats to come.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Closing in on goals!

 My training has been going steady, I have been very busy and its not easy but if its important enough you will find time to fit it in. I have been rushing around with work lifting and teaching classes at a local gym. Last week ended pretty well nothing to crazy.
 Over the weekend I did some yard work which was brutal and decided not to run after, then on sunday the guy who runs the gym I train at and myself made a little obstacle course for some people that come to my classes. They are running the Ruckus obstacle course run this weekend. Its 4 miles and its pretty brutal. The course we made was only a 1/2 mile but we did it 3 times and it was a big hit everyone liked it.
 Monday june 11,12 I was kinda feeling shitty but new it was all in my head and it was a easy day
Longcycle 2x24 2 min @ 10 rpms
2 rest
longcycle 2x28 3 min @ 8 rpms
2 rest
Longcycle 2x32 3 min @ 7 rpms and thats it, overall it wasnt a bad workout the 32kgs were tough but managable.
 Tuesday June 12,12
feeling pretty good all day just ready to get under some bells
Longcycle 2x32kg 10 mins 6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5 for a total and PR of 55 reps. This was huge for me to finially break the 50 mark its been killing me lately.
I have to say I have been eating pretty healthy and not drinking any beer this might have helped me achieve this I am not sure but I no one this is that I am going to continue like this and see what happens.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Back on track, kinda

 So after my terrible week last week I am slowly getting back on track. I have been eating really healthy and trying to rest up and recover from my workouts. Its not easy working a full time job, lifting, and training at a local gym but its worth it.
  When you compete in a sport, you really have to give it your full attention and 100%  or your kinda just wasting your time. I have been lifting for a long time and I have tried a lot of different types of lifting. I still enjoy other types of lifting, I love body weight training for some reason I cant get enough handstand push ups, pull ups, hand balancing and a lot of other variations of training. But when you want to do good in one thing you really have to side track everything else. Since there is a competition coming up June 23 I have dropped everything besides my comp lifts and some jogging. This makes such a big difference, especially when I have a lot of other things going on at the same time. So basically I am saying narrow your focus and see what happens, experiment with taking some things out of your training and I bet you will see your gains come back and surpass your personal best. I no I have.

Monday June 4,12
warm up OALC 16kgx 5/5 20kgx 5/5 24kgx 5/5 2x20kgx 10 2x24kgx 10 2x28kgx 9
Longcycle 2x28kg 8,9,8,9,8,9 this was tough on cardio
5 min rest
Jerk 2x28 4 min @ 10 rpms good set

Tuesday June 5, 12
went for a little jog then 16x5/5 20x5/5 24x5/5 2x20x10  2x24x10  2x28x8 2x32x7
longcycle 2x32 6,5,6,5,6,5,6,5 total of 44 reps. After last weeks shitty sets I should be happy with this but I am not I no I could have pushed the full 10 mins but I didn't.

that's it

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crash and Burn

 So 3 weeks ago I had 2 PR's and my training was going awesome and of course we all get in this zone and everything is so right and going perfect. Well for me this was my time with my PR's and just feeling great I was in the zone, then last Saturday I ran the 5k in my best time of 18:25 and I was dead after I am not going to lie. I didn't slow down after that just kept pushing and then the last week of training was brutal I did an ok set on Monday with the 24kgs and then 2 ok sets with the 32kgs on Thursday and Friday. But on the Holiday weekend I went away with my family and I admit I drank and ate and ran and kayaked and got no rest and I can tell you this week has been my worst in a while. I didn't lift Monday I felt like shit, Tuesday I lifted the 24kgs and did a 6 min set of longcycle and I was beat, Wednesday I did a few 2 min sets with each weight and just about killed me. So after pretty much wasting my week of training due to dumb decisions on the weekend I am pissed off and realizing how important recovery is. I have known it was important but literally my sets were killing me this week when 2 weeks ago I was doing so much more and being fine. Its a rude wake up call to smarten up and train smart and make the right decisions. I will be avoiding beer totally for the next 2 1/2 weeks and will also be resting a lot more on the weekends. June 23 is coming fast and I want to be ready.
    This is where dedication comes in do you want it bad enough, are you willing to go the distance it takes and make the sacrifices that will not be easy to get what you want or are trying to achieve. We all put in a lot of effort lifting and trying to eat healthy why screw it up with a few dumb choices. I no I usually give it my all every day I lift and strive to better myself and become a better lifter, I don't want to have a bad week just because I pushed to hard doing something stupid or went out drinking with my buddies. I no kettlebells are only a hobby and I will never make money at lifting but my passion for lifting them and becoming the best lifter I can makes me want to chose the right choices so I can see how far I can take it.
  I am not saying I will never go out and do stuff, I'm just really starting to see how important the other time away from the bells is just as important. Recovery and diet are just as important as the days your pushing yourself and digging deep for those PR's your chasing.
    So just think before you do, how bad do you want it and how is this going to effect my lifting and my overall health.

Hope this helps

Monday, May 21, 2012

kettlebells and carry over

 This weekend I ran a charity 5k, It was on Saturday and the weather was perfect. I finished off last week with some average sets nothing to crazy since I hit it so hard on Monday and Tuesday. Back to the run and what I mean when I say kettlebells and carry over, I only run maybe once or twice a week tops. Some weeks I don't run at all it just depends on how much time I have and how I feel. On Saturday I got to the run and it was pretty hot out and there was a ton of people so after my buddy and I got registered we barley got to warm up or anything because we were running a little late and so we just went for it. Right off the start I ran to the head of the pack, I just wanted to keep the first place runner in my sight and this probably wasn't my best move since we hit our first mile in 5:40 and my best ever is 5:30 so I was really pushing myself. I could feel it, plus without a good warm up I was having a hard time getting my breathing under control. After the first mile me and the second place runner dropped back a little it was just to fast of a pace. I figured if I could keep up with him I might get a boost at the end or something but yet again I was wrong. The guy in 2nd and myself kept going back and fourth for most of mile and but once we hit mile three hit started to get ahead of me so I just settled down a little and did my best to hold on and finish strong. So to cut to the end he only gained distance ahead of me but I still managed to finish 3rd overall and at I think my best 5k time ever which was 18:25. I was very please with this performance considering I don't really run and most of my training is kettlebells and sport lifting. My buddy also did amazing finishing with a time of 20:06 his best time also and I have been training him with kettlebells also, with minimal running. Overall we were both very pleased and helped our team get first place overall for a great day. I'm not saying kettlebells are the only training tool but the work damn well at a lot of aspects of physical fitness.

Today's training was more of a light recovery day with the 24kgs
Longcycle 2x24 10,10,10,10,9,9,9,9 wanted to keep the 10 rpm pace but wasn't in me
5 min rest
jerk 2x24 12,12,12 triceps got sore but overall a great day still I cant complain.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Things seem to be falling into place!

 So leading up to the last two competitions I lifted at I had a few rough weeks. I was missing a lot of my money sets and everything just felt off. Its very frustrating, at times you just want to say fuck it and excuse my language but we all say it of think it at times. This is why having a coach is very helpful, my coach Chris Duffey is top notch, he tells it to you like it is and if you suck he will tell you, but he will also help you keep you head straight when things aren't going your way. Leading up to those competitions he helped me calm down and just keep lifting and ya those days sucked but there in the past. You will always have highs and lows, you just have to learn to keep at it and work on your technique and practice everything such as breathing,lockouts, dropping the bells into the wrack and setting up for the next rep. Only people who lift kettlebells really know how much it takes to actually survive a set and its not easy.
  That being said these last 2 weeks have been great for me I have hit 2 PRs in the longcycle with 2x32kg bells
Last Tuesday I did Longcycle 2x32kg 7,6,7,6,7,6 it was tough but a good set
then I did jerks 2x28kg for 3 mins @ 8 rpms holding the lockout
after 5 mins rest I did a final set of jerks with 2x24kg for 3 mins @ 10 rpms again holding the lockouts
Overall a awesome day I was really pumped.

Today I set another PR Longcycle 2x32kg 6,7,6,7,6,7,6 for a total of 45 reps in 7 mins my best is 48 reps in 10 mins so things are definitely getting better
after 5 mins rest I did a jerk set with 2x24kg 3mins@ 12 rpms trying to hold lockouts.
Huge day for me and all this because I put up with those shitty workouts and just kept practicing and working on getting better.
 I wanted to get mad and say F this but kettlebell lifting is a journey and it takes a lot of dedication and passion to make it to the higher levels. It all comes down to what you are willing to put into it, and of course a great coach is huge.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

life never slows down

 I have been extremely busy lately, I haven't had a minute to myself to just relax. Between working full time, teaching kettlebells on the side and lifting I have been going nonstop. Lifting has been going great lately. Last week I set a few PRs in Longcycle with the 32kgs and also on Saturday of last weekend I went 8 mins 2x32 @ 5 rpms and this was very comfortable. I was lifting with Coach Duffey which is always a good time. This week started off very strong with a good set with the 28s going at a pace of 9,9,7,8,9 which was a good set for me. I also did a set with 2x32kgs at a pace of 7,6,7,6,7,6 which was difficult but I pulled it off and it was a PR. I have been doing a lot of mobility work for my shoulders and back and I have done a lot of jerk sets this week at the end of my workout and my over head position is feeling so much better. I am actually getting some rest up there until my triceps get to sore. Over all though training has been pretty damn awesome so I cant complain just have to remember that its not just lifting the kettlebells its about mobility,stretching, and eating healthy. You need to have a good balance in all areas to really excel and that is what I'm pushing for.

Monday, April 23, 2012

IUKL Competition

This past weekend was a big one for myself , Will Metcalf and Coach Chris Duffey.  Chris Duffey and myself attended Fedor Fuglev's training camp. All I can say is so much information to try and take in and not enough time. We went over snatch, jerk and longcycle, training planing and recovery. The hard part is the language barrier. We don't speak there language and they don't speak ours but we made it work. I have a lot of things to practice and see if I like them or not its going to be interesting.
   On Sunday April 22,2012 there was the IUKL Competition which was held in Connecticut, Coach Duffy lifting the 24kgs in Biathalon and did 69 jerks and 142 snatches a very impressive day for him. Will Metcalf killed it with the 32kgs and did 80 jerks which is a huge PR for him and he did 123 snatches over all outstanding day for him. As for myself I only had an ok day I did Longcycle with the 32kgs and I managed 45 reps not a PR for myself but after minute 6 I was done so I am glad I lasted out the last 4 minutes I always like to go for 10 minutes .
  Fedor Fuglev did a crazy amount of work with the 32kgs pulling off 123 jerks, 210 snatches and then at the end for fun he did Longcycle for 50 reps in 7 mins like no big deal.
 This guy is the real deal at 50 years old he is still lifting and performing better than people half his age I can only hope to be half that good at his age. I have never met someone so eager to teach and show people about kettlebells he is truly amazing and I am very interested in his training because its taking him so far and kept him injury free. Not sure what is to come for training we will see, just going to practice a lot.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dogging it

So last week went terrible for me, I just wasn't hitting my numbers and I felt shitty. I ran and didn't really rest over the weekend which was a big mistake and I paid dearly for it. Some times you just get in this mood and your training is off and no matter what you try to do you cant snap out of this. This is where a Coach really helps and if not for Coach Duffey I am not sure where I would be today, surely not at the level I am now.
 Sometimes you just have to step back when life gets to stressful and just do the main sets and walk away, all the assistance and other shit I want to do has to stop and I have to do my set then worry about recovering. I no I neglect that aspect of training a lot and its a huge part, Its always easy to do to much you have to find the balance and do just the right amount then recover. I no practice what i preach and I really have to work on this. But on a good note on Friday last week April 13,2012 I went for a Longcycle PR 2x32kg for 7 mins @5rpms which definitely felt better than usual finally starting to settle into the 5 rpms a little better.

Over the weekend I ran 6 miles on Sunday because I have to shed a few pounds for the competition this coming weekend in CT. I have a goal in mind for my set but I will just keep that to myself for now.

Monday April 16,2012
warm ups OAJ 16x5/5 OALC 16x5/5 20x5/5 24x5/5 2x20x 8,8 2x24x8 2x28x8
Longcycle 2x24kgx 8,8
2 mins rest
Longcycle 2x28 6 mins @7rpms this was tough and it was really hot out but I pulled it off.

Also a friend of mine Meghan Damiano Chase ran the Boston Marathon today, she raised over 10,000 dollars for a charity called Mass eye and ear. She completed it in 6hrs17mins a huge accomplishment. It was over 80 degrees and she made it. I did a couple of runs with her to help train including a 12 mile run and that was brutal I don't no how people can run 26.2 miles and in the heat we had today. It just goes to show you if you put your mind to it you can do anything.

Monday, April 9, 2012

back on track

Last week was more of a recovery week from the NYC competition, I took Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off to recover and I started back up Thursday.

Thursday April 5,12
Longcycle 2x20 8 min @10 rpms this was actually kind of tough, I think because of the fast pace
Black snatch 20kg x6 mins at 9 snatches per min
Friday april 6,12
Longcycle 2x32 5 mins @6rpms this was ok it got very challenging the last min, I am trying to get use to 6 rpms but its not going to be easy
Longcycle 2x24 9,9,8,9,9 I was pretty beat up and tired from the 32kgs so I didn't push this to hard.
Jump squats 135x5/50  185x5/50 these were pretty good and my legs weren't to sore after
Saturday April 6,12
I did some OALC 10 mins x 32kg alternating every minute 6,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,8,8 this wasn't hard, I was suppose to use the 40kg but that was just out of my league. I think I'm going to need a 36kg soon.
Swings 40kgx30/30 hands got sore after this.

Saturday PM I went for a 10k run with Meghan Damiano, She will be running the Boston Marathon April 16,2012 for charity. I am glad I could help her train.

Monday April 9,12
I was really feeling beat up today Coach Duffey wanted me to do a test set with the 32kgs but it just wasn't in the books for me today so I worked on technique,
Warm up OALC press 4 minx16kgx10rpms alternate every min
Snatch 4 minx16kgx16rpms alternate every min
OAJ 16kgx5/5 OALC 16x5/5 20x5/5 24x5/5 2x20x8,8
Longcycle 2x24 8,8
rest 2 mins
2x24 8,8
rest 2 mins
2x24 8,9
rest 2 mins
2x24 9,9
rest 2 mins
2x24 9,9  overall just an ok workout nothing special

I did a 10min cool down jog

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

NYC kettlebell competition

Over the weekend I went to NY to compete in a competition, Ill start off by saying lasts weeks training went pretty well so I went into the weekend feeling pretty good.
Last Tuesday I did Longcycle 2x32 4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5,4,5, for a total of 45 reps which was a PR by 5 reps and felt pretty good.
So I took the rest of the week off to prepare for Saturday. The competition was held at a crossfit gym in NY and the gym was really nice, a lot of room to move around and for people to watch. The temperature was perfect. I was the last flight of the day along with my competitor Marty Ferral. I was pretty nervous before the set but once I got the bells moving I felt great. My pace was 4,5,4,5 and the whole set I felt great and then I hit the 9th minute and I find out I'm pretty close to Marty and everyone is yelling and pushing me and I am trying my best to keep moving the bells but lets face it when your that deep into a set its tough. I was getting sloppy but I kept pushing and trying to get the reps and some how I came up a rep short. I just didn't have anymore left in me, I think I tried to squeeze to much into the last minute and Marty beat be by one rep. This definitely sucked but I set another PR of 48 reps in Longcycle 2x32. I have to be happy about that but it always sucks to lose. Its back to training and see how much father I can take Longcycle.

thanks Scott

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In a Rut

My training hasn't been going as well as I have wanted it to go, I dont no why and I no you have to take the good with the bad but its tough to keep motivation. Last Thursday and Friday I went for 10 mins of Longcycle with 2x32kg and on Thursday I went 7 mins @5rpms which was ok I was feeling very good and mentally just fell apart. Friday I went for it again not totally sure why, I guess I was getting greedy and only managed 5 mins @5rpms, After this I just called it a week.

Monday 3/19/12
2x24 9,9
2 rest
2x28 8,8
2 rest
2x32 6,6,6,6
2 rest
2x24 9,9
over all pretty good day

Tuesday 3/20/12
warm ups 20kgx 10/10 24x10/10 2x20x 8,8, 2x24x8 2x28x8 2x32x5
Longcycle 2x32kgx 5,5,5,5,4,5,4,4 total of 37 reps nothing crazy just happy I made 8 mins
longcycle 2x24 9,9,9
that's it.
Overall I am feeling ok just am having trouble with the mental game in kettlebells, if its not one thing its the other. I just have to push through and keep training.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Been very busy

 This past week has been very busy, I haven't had a chance to write about my training. Last Friday I had a great day and set a PR for myself.
Friday march 9, 12
Longcycle 2x32 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5 8 mins @ 5 rpms best so far, I just concentrated on making every rep as perfect as  I could make it and this helped me through my set.
Jerks 2x24 10,10 that's it for kettlebells
Jump squats 135x5/50  185x5/50 195x5/50
Box jumps 1x30
set ups 1x15/15  Pull ups 1x12  Bench dips 1x45

I rested up over the weekend because I had to work Saturday.

Monday march 12,12
Longcycle 2x24 9,9,9
2 rest
2x28 8,8,8
2 rest
2x32 6,6,6
2 rest
2x20 10,10,10
 jump rope 10 mins 30 on/30 0ff

Tuesday March 13,12
Longcycle 2x28 8,8,8,7,7,7,7 very tough 8 rpms is fast
Jerk 2x32 8,8,8 arms and legs jello

 That's it for know hopefully training keeps going smooth.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Big PR today

 I got today from work because we were suppose to have this bad storm and I am working outside so they decided to call work off yesterday. Of course I am thinking that this is awesome I have all the time to lift today and get a good workout in. Then I wake up this morning and feel like trash for some reason, a lot of the people I work with and family members have been sick and I think it might be catching up with me. So I talk to Coach Duffey and hes like take it easy watch a movie and drink hot coco haha, I think this got in my head and I said I was going to kill it today. Maybe not the best idea but I went for it.
I stared off with 5 minutes of jumping rope, I have not done this in a while and really forgot how tough it can be. I will be working on this a lot come nice weather.
I did some joint mobility which I do everyday
Warm up sets OAJ 16kgx 5/5 20kgx 5/5 OALC 16kgx5/5,20kgx5/5,24kgx5/5, 2x20kgx 8,8  2x24kgx 8
2x28kgx 7 , 2x32kg, 5 After this I still wasn't feeling to crazy but I had my head set on it.
Longcyce 2x32kg 5,5,5,5,4,5,5 this was a big PR for me 5 rpms have been killing me. Duffey also was saying just think if you can do it feeling drained and shitty imagine what you can do when you feeling good.
Cleans 2x24kgx 15,15,15 this was a real grip smoker
That is it for today I am happy about it and glad I went for it because its like having money in the bank to draw on next time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


 Saturday Feb 25,12 I went and trained with Coach Chris Duffey, Will and Melissa Metcalf. Overall it was a good day we all had good set and Melissa killed it with 2 huge Pr's and I am pretty sure she hit her CMS numbers easily.
I did Longcycle 2x32 5,5,5,5,5,4 was going for 10 min and I was feeling great but got this feeling in my stomach and had to put them down. This sucked I really was feeling it maybe it was the nerves or something I am not sure.
I also did Longcyce 2x28 8,8,8,7,9 this was pretty good.
Finished off with swings 32kgx 50/50

Sunday Feb 26,12 I went for a jog around the pond I live on it was about 5.7 miles and I did it at a good pace around 43 mins

Monday Feb 27,12
Longcycle 2x24 9,9,9,9,9,9 this was pretty good kinda fast but overall good
jerk 2x28 10,10 was suppose to hit 3 mins but got to sloppy

Tuesday Feb 28,12
Longcycle 2x28 8,7,7,7,7,7 wanted to go 8 rpms but just couldn't handle that speed
jerk 2x32 7,7, this was also suppose to be 3 mins but I just got to sloppy
OALC 32kgx10/10    Swings 32kgx 30/30
Jump squats 135lbs 5/50   165lbsx 5/50
Deadlift 185lbsx5x2 sets

I am feeling beat up after all this I definitely did to much, I will go for a small jog tomorrow and rest up for Thursday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Going with the flow

  This week started off shitty, Monday I was tired and had a bad workout again. This always seems to happen on Mondays but o well I just try to stick it out. As the week goes on everyday gets better and better and around Thursday I have my best day. This weeks training went like this.

Monday Feb 20, 2012
Longcycle 2x20 10,10
2x24 10,10
2x28 suppose to be 5 min @8 rpms but I could breathe so I did 2 mins @ 8,8 rest 2 mins and then another 8,8 and that was it just wasnt feeling it

Tuesday Feb 21,12
Longcycle 2x32kg 5,5,4,5,4,5,4 this was huge for me I went 7 mins which I haven't done in a while and had some mins @ 5rpms which was nice.
finished off with jump squats 135x5/50 185x2setsx5/50

 Wed Feb 22 ,12
went for a 3.5 mile jog took around 30 mins felt good

Thurs Feb 23,12
 Longcycle 2x24 10,10
2 rest
2x28 9,9 fast
2 rest
2x32kg 5 min@5 rpms this was tough but I got it was pretty happy
swings 32x 50/50 done

Training with Duffey, Will and Melissa Metcalf on Saturday in Scituate should be a good day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

In the grove

 This weeks training hasn't been the greatest but you just have to push on and keep training. I have my bad days and I get mad and pissed off but Coach Duffey always has a way of keeping me on track. Sometimes after a bad session or a couple of days I just want to throw in the towel and change up my training, but you have to keep your eyes on the prize or look over your goals and it always seems to help me get back on track.
Monday Feb 13,11
Longcycle 2x24kgx 8,8
2 min rest
2x24kgx 9,9,9
2 min rest
2x24kgx 9,9,9,9
this was a good workout overall felt pretty good at 9 rpms

Tuesday Feb 14,11
longcycle 2x32kgx 5,5,5,5 this sucked I was shooting for 7 mins but just didnt have it in me this was one of those days were I got pissed off and just had to call it a day and rest.
Wednesday Feb15,11
jog- 3.37 miles in 28 mins plus stretching

Thursday Feb 16,11
Longcycle 2x32kgx 5,5,5,5,5,5 this was OK I wanted 7 mins but cleans got to sloppy and had to stop, In time I no it will come just have to work on my cleans to save my grip.
2x24kgx 8,8,8 this was good
overhead squats with 2x24 over head x 20 reps and then 25 reps. This is more of a small dip the kettlebells not a full squat.

we will see how I feel tomorrow for whats to come.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Killed it haha

 Friday was a long day for me I have been working in  different area and my schedule is changed so I don't get to lift till later on and motivation is difficult but I always seem to find a way.
 Friday Feb 10,2011
Longcycle 2x20kg 10,10
2 min rest
2x24kg 9,9
2 min rest
2x28kg 8,8 this was tough
2 min rest
2x32kg 6,6 again this was tough
2 min rest
2x20kg 5 mins @8 rpms 8,8,8,8,8 just felt great about this whole workout.
The short sets let you practice perfect technique and still get some time in and the last 5 min set just felt awesome training is still going well just need to get the running back into my schedule.

Lift Bells !

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Busy busy busy

I have been really busy lately, working full time, going to night school two days a week studying for a couple of tests and working out my days are jammed packed. My training is still going strong just wish I had a little more time to get everything done. Right now its all about my main sets and maybe one assistance exercise.
Monday Fed 6, 2011
Longcycle 2x28kg 6 mins @ 7 rpms this was a Pr for me and a new rpm with the 28s its tough but manageable
Longcycle 2x24kg 9,9,9 this was OK grip started to go
Tues Feb 7, 2011
Longcycle 2x32kg 6 mins @5rpms this was also a Pr but the last minute was brutal
Cleans 2x24kg x 12,12,12 working on my clean form which kinda sucks my grip was dead after this
Wed Feb 8, 2011 to busy to go for run
Thurs Feb 9, 2011
Longcycle 2x28kg 5min@7 rpms I think this was harder  than Monday but I pulled it off
Cleans 2x28kg 12,12 suppose to be 3 mins but just couldn't manage it,
Jump squats 135x5/50  165x5/50  185x5/50
that's it I'm beat.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just feels right

 Today's was one of those days that everything was just firing right for me, I went for a 3.5 mile run yesterday and did some stretching. Today I was feeling pretty good so I did tomorrow's workout today. I did all my warm ups and that's when I realized it was going to be a good day so I just went for it and it turned out great nothing crazy but when the lifts feel good and your breathing is dialed in, and you feel relaxed its just a great feeling.
Thursday Feb 2,2011
Longcycle 2x32kgx 5,5,5,5,5 felt good might have been able to go 6 minutes
Longcycle 2x20kgx 8,8,8,8,8 this was a good pace and felt good
Overall a great day very happy with my lifts, the last time I did 2x32 for 5min @5rpms I was dead. I am definitely seeing improvements!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

beat down

 Since my PR on Sunday I have been feeling beat, I have still been training but its been tough and I am happy tomorrow is my day off I need to rest up. When I wear myself down like this training just doesn't feel right my timing is off and my technique suffers. I don't no why I push on I just do its probably smarter if I took it easy or a day off but I get in my schedule and stick to it and this is a down fall of mine.
Monday Jan 30,2011
Longcycle 2x24kg 6 mins @ 8,8,8,8,8,8 this was actually pretty good even though I was hurting.
Jerk 2x32kg 8,8,7 this wasn't to bad except for the last minute got me.

Tuesday Jan 31,2011
Longcycle 2x32kg 6,6
2 imn rest
2x32kg 6,6,
2 min rest
2x32kg 6,6
2 min rest
2x32kg 6,6 
 I started off rough and then got a little smoother but still just to worn down.
Jumpsquats 2x5/50  135lbsx5/50  165lbsx5/50
 that's it time to rest up and hit it hard Thursday.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Big Longcycle PR

 Today I met coach Duffey, Will and Melissa Metcalf down in Scituate for a little lifting session. I was feeling ok and did a few short sets with the 2x24kgs at 8 rpms to get the blood flowing. I have been thinking about this all week and kinda dreading the set I was going for.
Longcyce 2x32kg 10 min @ 4 rpms 40 reps total this is a new PR for me my best before this was only 32 reps so I was very happy. The set was very tough though and at about min 5 I really thought I was done and I think everyone else agreed but somehow I managed to keep pushing. Thats what I love about kettlebell sport lifting, you think your done and somehow deep down inside you find the will to keep pushing and keep going. Today my head was really getting to me but I just kept thinking its only 10 mins you can do this and with the help of duffey, will and melissa I pulled it off. My whole body was hurting and grip was done but you just have to try and keep calm and do one rep or one minute at a time and somehow you reach that 10 minute mark. I feel pretty good about todays set still have a lot of work to do but this helped me get on track.
 I finished off with a short set of snatches 24kg x 16rpms for 6 mins not to bad.  Then we all went to The Fours for lunch figured we needed some treats for beating ourselves up.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today I really wanted to work on form and technique for Longcycle,
 I did short sets to keep fatigue down and form as perfect as possible.
Longcyce 2x20 x 9,9,9
2x24 x 8,8,8
2x28 x 7,7,7
2x24 x 9,9
this was a good workout I managed to keep 2 minutes rest between all sets except the last set where I waited 3 minutes. My form was pretty good the whole time and on my last set I felt the best my body just felt like everything was firing right.
 I finished off with swings 40kgx 30/30
That's all for today see what I feel like tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tough week

 This week has been going rough for training for me and I am not sure why, Yesterday I felt good and did 2x28 for 6mins@6rpms and it felt ok but it was still difficult. Then I did a short set of longcycle 2x24 8,8,8 which felt pretty good. Over all Longcycle is getting better but its still a work in progress. That is what kettlebell lifting is all about you will never master it, its a journey that takes years you have to have passion for it and always strive to learn more.
 Today was Longcycle with the 32kgs and this was no joke it wasnt a long set but 5mins@5rpms and this sucked. It was brutal and I really  need to clean up my cleans and work on breathing.
I finished off with Longcycle 2x20 10,10. I just hope to see some improvements soon.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Back to Longcycle

  So now its back to the grind of Longcycle training, for some reason I do enjoy it though maybe because you only have to worry about one lift and its usually quicker workouts.
 Last week I was just getting back in the grove nothing crazy. On Monday I did the fitness protocol with the 24kg doing Oaj,Snatch, and Oalc felt ok.
Wednesday I did Longcycle 2x24 6 mins @ 9,9,9,8,8,8 started off good but the pace was to fast had to slow down but made the time. Then I did 2x20 10,10 just for fun and feel of it.
Thursday I 2x28 5min@ 6,6,6,6,6 this was tough for some reason. I also did 2x24 just jerk for 12,12
We were suppose to train in scituate on Sat with Coach Duffey, Will and Melissa Metcalf but the weather prevented us from training so I just did a snatch set with the 20kg 10min@18rpms felt pretty good plus I did jerks 1min on/1 min off with the 2x20kg 16,18,18,18,18 this really beat up my triceps but felt good to move at a face pace.
Saturday was suppose to be my test day at home but I got up and warmed up and I just wasn't feeling it, so I ended up doing another day of 1 min on/ 1 min off with 2x32kg at 6 rpms I did a total of 8 sets and this was very difficult. I think I need to rest up a little bit because I am going to try and test again this Saturday.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pentathalon competition

 Saturday january 14, 2011 was the pentathlon comp in New York and it was a good day, I pulled off a score of 2028 which is a great PR for myself  this is what my set looked like.

Cleans - 36kg I got 120 reps switched every 10 reps
One arm long cycle press - 28kg I got 60 reps switched every 5 reps
One arm jerk - 32kg - 120 reps switched every 10 reps
Half snatch - 28kg 108 reps switched every 9 reps
Push press - 28kg 120 reps switched every 10
 this was brutal there was no air to breath and a long ride to NY
 Chris duffey also competed and had a good day with a score around 1400-1500, I dont no how he managed it because he tore his hands up bad and still finished the workout very impressive feat if you see his hands.
Overall great day and plan to beat my score I want 2100. Now its back to Longcycle training!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

maintence training

  The past two days have just been easy days, nothing to big but need to keep the body moving.
Yesterday I did long cycle with the 24kgs I went 8 mins @8rpms this is  actually a new pr for me so I am very happy and also think I could have went the full 10 mins. Then I did a short jerk set 2x20kg 3min @12 rpms this was good off the start then got a  little  tired.

   Today I did a 10 min snatch set with the 20kg @ 16rpms, I havent snatched in a while but this was good I was  just working technique not pushing myself. I finished off with a one arm jerk set 6 with the 20kg 6mins@14 rpms again working on technique.
   I need to rest up for saturday the penthalon meet is in NY and I lift at noon.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Penthalon training

This Saturday is the pentathlon competition in NY. I have been training Long cycle mostly but have been practicing some of the pentathlon lifts for this competition. The exercises are brutal and when you combined them all together its deadly.
Today was Half snatch 32kg 6min@18rpms alternating every 9 reps
rested 5 mins the 32kg push press 6 min@20 rpms this is brutal.
I need more practice but I have to concentrate on long cycle so I will just see how this weekend goes with what I have done so far.

thanks Scott

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Steady Training

            Training has been steady lately nothing to crazy after my 32kg longcycle pr but thats ok. On sunday new years day I went for a 12 mile jog with a friend it was a easy pace but still very long. The only reason is because I am doing the tough mudder in may so I have to have some long distance under my belt. I am paying for that run as of monday, My left foot is bothering me  and hurts when I walk. I am not sure why this is happening maybe to far to quick or I was running wrong I am not sure I have never had this problem before.
     Monday started off KB training I did 6 mins longcycle set 2x28 @6rpms nothing crazy but it was difficult. Then I did a jerk set 2x32 3min@8rpms which wasnt as bad as I thought, I need to get use to moving the 32s faster.
Tuesday I did a longcycle set 2x24 6min@8rpms and this was nice got me breathing but managable, I want to hit 80-100 reps with the 24s. I also did some pushpresses for practice for the penthalon 32kg 4min@15 rpms 15l/15r/15l/15r and I finished with a set of swings 32x60/60 good stuff.