Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Less than a week till Longcycle competition!

 This Saturday is the Complete Kettlebell and Fitness WKC Longcycle competition. I have been training for this competition. Before this I didn't have much interest in Longcycle I am not going to lie but I have found a real passion for this exercise. I use to be all about Biathalon but I find myself really getting into Longcycle and seeing where I can go with this. I have been eating really healthy all week and only cheating a little on the weekends. I haven't had any beer for around 3-4 weeks and I feel better than ever. Its amazing how when you take care of your body and really feed it real food how much better you can recover from your workouts and keep pushing.

This weeks training has been great even after my PR last week.
Monday June 18,2012
 I warm up with a 5 min jog or jump rope and some light OALC and then some Longcycle sets only lasting a Min each.
Longcycle 2x24 10,10
2 min rest
Longcycle 2x28 8,8,8
2 rest
Longcycle 2x32 7,7,7 this wasn't easy Monday's are always difficult for me.
Jump rope 10 mins 30 on 30 off

Tuesday June 19,2012
Jump rope 6 mins 40 on 20 off
some OALC and then some Longcycle sets of 1 min each
Longcycle 2x32 8 mins @ 6 rpms for a total of 48 reps and felt pretty good
6 mins rest
jerk 2x24 `12,12
Jump rope 10 mins 30 on 30 off

So I no this seems like a lot a few days before the competition but I was talking to Coach Duffey and he said were not scientific, we have full time jobs and have to be able to pick up the bells and do our thing and I couldn't agree more its so true. I work full time and train on the side I get in my sets when I can and I think its true you should be able to bust out a set pretty much anytime. We are not pros, this is our hobby and I don't want to go through peaking phases and all these other phases. I want to lift kettlebells and hit some decent numbers. I have watched Valery Fedorenko pick up a 24kg in his regular cloths and knock out 200 snatches in 10 min like nothing, No crazy warm up or anything just basically lets do this and boom he does it. Not to long ago he put a video up of him doing his MS numbers with no real crazy training for it. I don't no about everyone else but when Duffey pointed out the facts to me today it was all I needed to keep going. You need time under the bells and sets like the one today and be great motivation for  whats to come.

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