Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Things seem to be falling into place!

 So leading up to the last two competitions I lifted at I had a few rough weeks. I was missing a lot of my money sets and everything just felt off. Its very frustrating, at times you just want to say fuck it and excuse my language but we all say it of think it at times. This is why having a coach is very helpful, my coach Chris Duffey is top notch, he tells it to you like it is and if you suck he will tell you, but he will also help you keep you head straight when things aren't going your way. Leading up to those competitions he helped me calm down and just keep lifting and ya those days sucked but there in the past. You will always have highs and lows, you just have to learn to keep at it and work on your technique and practice everything such as breathing,lockouts, dropping the bells into the wrack and setting up for the next rep. Only people who lift kettlebells really know how much it takes to actually survive a set and its not easy.
  That being said these last 2 weeks have been great for me I have hit 2 PRs in the longcycle with 2x32kg bells
Last Tuesday I did Longcycle 2x32kg 7,6,7,6,7,6 it was tough but a good set
then I did jerks 2x28kg for 3 mins @ 8 rpms holding the lockout
after 5 mins rest I did a final set of jerks with 2x24kg for 3 mins @ 10 rpms again holding the lockouts
Overall a awesome day I was really pumped.

Today I set another PR Longcycle 2x32kg 6,7,6,7,6,7,6 for a total of 45 reps in 7 mins my best is 48 reps in 10 mins so things are definitely getting better
after 5 mins rest I did a jerk set with 2x24kg 3mins@ 12 rpms trying to hold lockouts.
Huge day for me and all this because I put up with those shitty workouts and just kept practicing and working on getting better.
 I wanted to get mad and say F this but kettlebell lifting is a journey and it takes a lot of dedication and passion to make it to the higher levels. It all comes down to what you are willing to put into it, and of course a great coach is huge.

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