Monday, May 21, 2012

kettlebells and carry over

 This weekend I ran a charity 5k, It was on Saturday and the weather was perfect. I finished off last week with some average sets nothing to crazy since I hit it so hard on Monday and Tuesday. Back to the run and what I mean when I say kettlebells and carry over, I only run maybe once or twice a week tops. Some weeks I don't run at all it just depends on how much time I have and how I feel. On Saturday I got to the run and it was pretty hot out and there was a ton of people so after my buddy and I got registered we barley got to warm up or anything because we were running a little late and so we just went for it. Right off the start I ran to the head of the pack, I just wanted to keep the first place runner in my sight and this probably wasn't my best move since we hit our first mile in 5:40 and my best ever is 5:30 so I was really pushing myself. I could feel it, plus without a good warm up I was having a hard time getting my breathing under control. After the first mile me and the second place runner dropped back a little it was just to fast of a pace. I figured if I could keep up with him I might get a boost at the end or something but yet again I was wrong. The guy in 2nd and myself kept going back and fourth for most of mile and but once we hit mile three hit started to get ahead of me so I just settled down a little and did my best to hold on and finish strong. So to cut to the end he only gained distance ahead of me but I still managed to finish 3rd overall and at I think my best 5k time ever which was 18:25. I was very please with this performance considering I don't really run and most of my training is kettlebells and sport lifting. My buddy also did amazing finishing with a time of 20:06 his best time also and I have been training him with kettlebells also, with minimal running. Overall we were both very pleased and helped our team get first place overall for a great day. I'm not saying kettlebells are the only training tool but the work damn well at a lot of aspects of physical fitness.

Today's training was more of a light recovery day with the 24kgs
Longcycle 2x24 10,10,10,10,9,9,9,9 wanted to keep the 10 rpm pace but wasn't in me
5 min rest
jerk 2x24 12,12,12 triceps got sore but overall a great day still I cant complain.

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