So I went to my interview today at Bridgewater Fitness and talked everything over and I am going to start training people with kettlebells in the next few weeks. I have been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time and its finally here. Now i just have to get people to sign up for my classes.
But I squeezed in a nice little workout this morning, just making sure I am ready for tomorrow.
Jerks - 2x16kg - 3min@8rpm - 24 reps
rest 3 min
Jerks - 2x16kg - 3min@10rpm - 30 reps, I was a little winded after this.
OAJ - 24kg - 10L/10R
Swings 24kg - 50L/50R
That's it tomorrow is the big day, It's my first GS competition and I am excited to see how I do. I'm still not sure if I am going to use the 16kg or the 20kg.
- scott
So when do you start at Bridgewater? I look forward to hearing how you enjoy teaching the kettlebell classes. I am new to kettelbells but not weight lifting. I have had a 20kg bell since christmas and used it for swings with a tabata routines. I workout in my basement but being 6'1" and having a low ceiling makes it hard to do snatches and presses with. With summer starting I decided to order ETK and start working outside exclusively with kettlebells this summer. We will see how it goes.