Wednesday, July 2, 2014


 Ever hear someone say, “I don’t have enough time” or “I can’t afford that” when referring to the gym or clean eating? These phrases, or excuses as I like to call them, get thrown around without people actually taking a moment to think about what they are saying.
Saying you don’t have enough time to complete a 30 minute workout when you just spent a half an hour looking at Faceboook updates or looking through all the latest pins on Pinterest is just a flat our poor excuse. You also get people saying that the gym membership or personal training sessions are too expensive. Yet these same people are wearing the new Jordan sneakers, which can run you a pretty penny. Or they're driving a car that is the cost of a gym membership for life. I'm not saying don't have nice things or never buy myself something I might not necessarily need, but people need to be aware of their priorities. If you want to work on your fitness, make yourself goals and work towards them every day.
The other infamous saying, “I can’t afford that” is usually said when discussing buying organic or healthier options for food. This might even be coming from someone who is wearing nice clothes and driving an expensive car with “DUBS”. You get the idea. But what I am really getting at is the way to make these things happen is to make them a priority. Think about how much you spent when you go out to eat at a normal restaurant with a significant other, you probably spend $80-100. That right there can buy you some quality food that will last you the whole week. 
          When you make working out and buying higher quality foods a priority, you will see just how much time you do have to accomplish these small tasks or how affordable these healthy options can be. But next time you say something like " I can’t afford that" or " I don't have enough time" think about it for a minute and I bet you will see that the problem isn't the " time" or "money", its' about you not making it a priority in your life. There are mothers and fathers who find a way to raise a family, workout, and eat healthy. We all have the same 24hrs in a day to get what we need to get done, so stop making excuses and start changing your priorities.

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