Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting back in the Grind

So I've been back at training for about 2 weeks and its been tough. I have been jumping around a lot with GS, swings, get ups and bodyweight training so I am feeling a bit beat up.
The last couple days have been all biathalon, I was a little sore from snow boarding over the weekend and Monday's set I struggled because of it

Moday Jan 3,11
Jerks 2x28 @6rpms 6,6,6,6,6,6,6 was shooting for 8 min but my form was getting sloppy so cut the set short. Felt pretty good for the first time using the 28s in a while
Snatches 28 8 min@ 12rpms Lx12,12,12,12 Rx12,12,12,12 this was tough but I was able to pull it off
Swings 32x50/50 50/50 theses were killer.

Later on I did some 1 arm wall push ups 2x25 each arm
plus some hanging leg raises 2x15

Tuesday Jan 4,11
Jerks 2x24 5min @8rpms these were good and my drops from the over head position were landing nice, I did get a little tired near the end but over all good set.
OAJ 32x12/12
Snatches 24 ^min@16rpms Lx16,16,16 Rx 16,16,16 hands were a little sore from Monday.
Swings 32x50/50
Then finished off with stretching and foam rolling over all I feel good right now and not drained like I have been feeling.